Snowmageddon 2021 has passed through Texas, leaving many without power, water or heat, or others with frozen and broken pipes.
I thank everyone who has reached out to inquire as to our safety, it means so very much.
We are quite well, and very lucky. We never lost power, though we only just got our internet back. We did have the pool and some pipes freeze, as our temperatures inside the house dropped below 50. Apparently our gas meter's regulator was not set for that kind of prolonged cold, but the gas company did come out and get it tweaked for us to the point were it could keep up.
Our street was never plowed, nor were neighboring streets, throughout the entirety of the situation. We hadn't really hit up the grocery stores (which were packed and sold out) before the snow started, as honestly, we didn't think it would be that bad. So we have been making do with what's in the pantry for the past week.
Before I get into the post, I wanted to again thank all my readers who continually reach out even through my long disappearances. I'm back because of you.